Since getting another cat two years ago (and before I get started, those of you who know me are aware that I only currently have one cat- by 'another' I mean 'another in my lifetime'. Continuing now.), I've found that many, many people have taken to referring to me as a 'crazy cat lady'. So let me take a few moments of your time to educate you on what, exactly qualifies one as a 'crazy cat lady', and why it is that I am absolutely not one, thank you very freaking much.
Hey, also- let us take a moment to wonder why on earth no one calls a single guy with a cat 'crazy'. Same bacteria, for pete's sake. So a guy with a cat he dotes on clearly has no issues. Another example of the media being absolute twits to women?
Maybe so. But...moving on.
Educational point: So the term 'crazy cat lady' was basically coined because of a bacteria cats carry (See the following link for details). This bacteria tends to latch on to people and cause personality things like OCD to flare up, and make someone 'crazy'. So the media latched on to it, and bam- 'crazy cat lady'.
See: Crazy Cat Lady Syndrome
Anyway. So yes, I'm depressed and yes, I'm single (as this other article indicates, these two things can often cause a devotion to the pet in question), so thanks to this incredibly stupid spin the media put on it...clearly I'm a crazy cat lady. Right? Right?
I'm not crazy. In fact, I'm unique and eccentric, but not certifiably crazy. My being devoted- as they say in these aforementioned articles- does not in any way mean I'm crazy. People use, as I've learned in recent years, any shape or size of animal to deal with their emotional needs. Small dogs can be therapy dogs (and I'm just as guilty as anyone of wondering why a tiny Yorkie had a 'therapy dog' vest). Emotional therapy is a thing that's more necessary than many realize, and if it takes my owning a cat and devoting myself to it- my emotional well-being is what I'm dealing with, so don't put me into that stereotype, because there's a lot more than meets the eye.
So a crazy cat lady I am most certainly not. But a cat lady? Definitely.
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