Everyone has /that/ song. You know- that one song that you absolutely love more than anything, that you'll sing at the top of your lungs while driving at excessive speeds down the highway, praying that you won't be caught by the ONLY cop who has a deep hatred for Taylor Swift. Or Lionel Ritchie. Or Bon Jovi.
My point is: everyone has a song they just fucking love, or a certain type of music they love but will only admit to under extreme duress. Here, for your amusement (or shame, or horror) are some of MY favorite songs that I scream at the top of my lungs (while safely driving the speed limit at ALL times, mom. Honest.).
-"Everything Has Changed"- Taylor Swift
("All I know is pouring rain..and everything has changed. All I know is a newfound grace, all my days I'll know your face...").
Really, these aren't super cheesy lyrics, and they're sweet. However the mention of Taylor Swift tends to send people into fits of extreme judgement, so I tend to avoid telling anyone but my friends and family that I enjoy it. Now the cat is out of the bag, because as a good friend says, "Why be ashamed of what you listen to of you like it?"
Next Up: "Goodbye", by Miley Cyrus herself. Maybe it's a nostalgic touch because her dad had music that was popular in my childhood (and he isn't ugly), but I first stumbled across the song when perusing fan videos on YouTube (some are amazingly well done), and it went so well with the images that I fell hard for it. But I'm 30 years old, and that coupled with the admission of Miley Cyrus on my iPod seems to garner a fair amount of eye rolling.
"The Heart Won't Lie"- Reba McEntire. This song is old (old is a relative term, sure, but this was, if I recall, in the currier hair Reba days. Reba pretty much has a hair timeline on her album covers).
"Land of a Million Drums"- Outkast. Yes, my friends, Outkast. This song was used when I was in dance class, a million years ago, and was the most FUN MUSIC ever. Also featured in the live action Scooby Doo movie. Seriously the most fun to drive to, and not really something I'm ashamed of, but something that still manages to get one or two giggles, because to most people now it's retro.
I have what I like to think of as a diverse taste in music, with a little bit of everything (you can find opera, classical, and electronic) on my iPod. My tactic is usually to utilize iTunes Genius setting frequently, because it has a fair idea of what I can and cannot tolerate.
All right- off to work! Thankfully, the playlist we have right now actually contains things like "Fast Cars" by Tracy Chapman, and makes me happy.
"One good thing about music. When it hits you, you feel no pain." -Bob Marley
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