Man- way back in the time of "Sarah, Plain and Tall", you couldn't really shower every day. I think, honestly, I'd die. Watching the movie now, I think about that as Sarah comes out in the morning and tells Jacob that she'll get up earlier to make the coffee- and is essentially dressed in five minutes.
All I could think was, "Well, she couldn't shower. And that made me think of how they couldn't bathe every day, but has bath nights once a week; filling a great big tub with hot water and dumping it before refilling it again for the next person. No indoor plumbing. Bleh.
Man. Back then. I love the songs ("Will she bake for you a pie, she's the apple of my eye. She's a young thing and cannot leave her mother."), and the cat carrier Sarah brings Seal in when she comes to Kansas from Maine.
And the fact that back then it wasn't so freaky to have a woman answer an ad to be your potential wife. The prairie-days Craigslist, where you place an ad for a wife and wind up with someone who could conceivably murder all of you in your sleep (Come on. Glenn Close played Cruella DeVille. We all know what she's capable of).
And that brings me to Jacob. Christopher Walken. Played the Headless Horseman in "Sleepy Hollow". At the end of "Sarah, Plain and Tall" he kisses Sarah, and I'm always fairly sure he's going to eat her face with teeth that will suddenly erupt out of nowhere.
But I suppose that the Headless Horeseman couldn't shower either, being dead and all- so they had that similarity. Jacob COULD be a killer.
There we go. Lack of bathing is probably what makes you a killer on the prairie. So bathe. Daily.
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