Saturday, February 23, 2013

"Who, What, Where, When, Why?"

(This one's for you, Alli. Now it's stuck. You're welcome).

I've been told, once or twice in my life, that I should write songs. Now, that sort of thing seems a bit difficult to me, as writing a song isn't at all as simple as writing a poem or a short story. You can't simply take a string of words and put them with music, expecting them to knock out an incredibly awesome musical number. Can you? Hm? Well, as I was recently introduced to a lovely tune by the name of "Malcom McGillikitty", I find that my thoughts on songwriting may indeed prove correct when trying for, say, a song to be sung by Kanye West, but completely incorrect when used to write music for children.

Let's give it a shot, shall we? (Pretend there's a tune. If I could write music, you'd get that too).

"I really wish I drank that brown stuff
Mama loves.
Mama loves.
She seems to need that pretty brown stuff,
Mama does.
Mama does.
It smells like what she cleans the floor with,
and looks like my pee.
But I really wish I drank that brown stuff,
It's called Whiskey!"

"People like to tell me
I'm pretty.
People like to tell me
I'm nice.
My daddy said I was made of sugar,
he said I was made of spice,
but teacher taught us the birds and the bees,
and I now I think that daddy lies."

"Kitty, please come back to me,
I want to pull your tail!
I love you, kitty,
play with me!
I'll put you in my pail.
I love you kitty,
I want to squeeze you tight!
I love you, kitty,
Every single night!"

      I'm thinking that if there was a market for it, I could write satirical kids music for adults. However...well, there are books like that, but I really don't see the market. It's more fun to just stumble across things like this on the internet and have a snicker or two. Right?

"You must pass your days in song. Let your whole life be a song."
                                                                                                  -Sai Baba 

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