Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Write, Right; Either Way, That's What I do or What I Am!

So. Here I am again, back at the blog- and there are many of you whom I know (who I know? I never get that right, it seems) are going to be thrilled to see it. But it's the start of a new year, and while I'm totally not making a resolution (you know how it is- they're SO EASY to break), I think I can stick to a project of some sort.

I give the credit to my dear friend Steph, who read about this particular project a while back and suggested it to me today. So Steph- thank you, dearest, and I hope you read some of the fruits of my labor! You're fantastic!

The Goal

To write a page a day for the entirety of 2014. These pages will be later compiled and read in 2015. If they actually go together...they'll become something. If they don't...they'll become something else, or part of something bigger. I've always thought it would be fun to write a collection of short stories, and I find that a short story that is only a page long is SUCH a huge challenge. So some of these could be tiny stories and some could be big, or they could be one great big story. Whatever it is, it is.

Will I Do It?

Well, I'm a bit of a flake- I'll admit it. I have a hard time sticking to goals, but I do really want to. Honest. Who doesn't want to succeed in some regard, sometime? But it's hard to get past the days where you just want to be a lump, and do something big.

That's where this project appeals to me. Because even if I'm having the worst day ever, there's going to be a part of the day that's fantastic and good, and that's the part of the day where I'll write a page. It's only one page- and if you double line it, as we all learned in school...well, that's hardly a page at all (I'm not double-lining it, because that's cheating).

To tie it in with the blog was the idea I had today, because I keep really wanting to get back into my blog again, and I also absolutely can't bear the thought of waiting for THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY FIVE EFFING DAYS to read what these pages are. Really. That's...I mean, really.

So without further ado, I give you the launch of Epic Wordness. That's the name of the project, I think, unless I come up with something even better. And I don't care if Epic was one of the words deemed overused in 2013. It's 2014 right now, folks, and I like it.

Later today will be the first page, so stay tuned. It might even be really late, but it'll be before midnight. So you could even read it tomorrow if you like. Just get some coffee and read it like your morning paper. It'll be cool, and maybe even a little bit better.

1 comment:

  1. I am SO excited for this!!! I wish that I could deal with whatever psychological issues I seem to have about sticking to my writing so I could do this!! Ha! Since I can't at the moment, I am gleeful that you're sharing!! So glad I follow you.
