Saturday, March 2, 2013

It's Cooking Time: Julia Childs Style!


     Admit it- you just read this in Julia Childs' voice, didn't you? Admit it!

     All right. It's okay if you didn't. In fact, it's okay if you don't even know who Julia Childs' is (No, actually, that's not really okay. Go find a cookbook. She was pretty rad.). The fact of the matter is, this post is NOT about Julia Childs. It is, however, about cooking. I do a lot of random experiments with cooking, as on a normal day you may find a thousand ingredients in my kitchen, none of which go together. When that happens the only logical step is to find a recipe online and cobble it together with some other recipe to make exactly what you wanted, or a rough approximation of.

     In my case, it's chicken and mushrooms today. I'm feeling as run down as a person with a cold should, so while I'm taking it easy for the most part I'm also aware of the mushrooms that will be going bad soon and the chicken I pulled out to thaw yesterday. A single chicken breast does not a huge meal make, but for a single person it's just enough (#SingleLife, for those who will get it. Hahaha.). And mushrooms can be used for quite a lot, but my absolute favorite use for them is stuffed mushrooms. Which are awesome.

    What to do? All of the stuffed mushroom recipes called for things I don't have, but having made them before and eaten them often, I was able to piece together what I think is a decent idea of a recipe. And they can be cooked with the piece of chicken in the same pan, so...bonus. I removed the stems and shredded them with a Hello Kitty fork (Not necessarily, of course, but exactly the right size for the cute little bowl I used). I added a pretty generous amount of minced garlic, and disassembled a leftover veggie artisan breakfast sandwich for use of the Monterey Jack cheese. The ingredients were minced further with the Hello Kitty fork, and then stuffed into the happy little mushroom caps.

    Considerable amount left over, as those mushroom caps really can't hold much (Doesn't that bring to mind Toadstool, from Super Mario? How much do you think HIS little head could keep inside it? I can't imagine he was the most useful. Unless he was of Portabello Mushroom ancestry.). So what to do with that? Well, as the chicken breast was already fairly flat, I basically just cut slits in it and stuffed the rest of the mushroom/monterey/garlic concoction inside.

   From the smell, I may have used a hint too much garlic. But they say garlic is good for...everything. Right? So I feel that it may be okay. Only time will tell, so in another, oh...eighteen minutes, we should know if my makeshift dinner winds up a wash, or not.

"Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all."
                                                                     `Harriet Van Horne 



  1. You know how *I* feel about cooking. I miss you!!!

  2. I love Julia Childs. Hate mushrooms. I wanted to give you a cupcake the other day, but didn't want to make your coworkers jealous.
